Two-week Hospital Stay plus God’s Faithfulness Equals…

Ryan Egan —  September 17, 2010 — 1 Comment

Photo of our daughter jumping off the couchGod provides blessings in so many ways.  As I think back over the last year and half since our daughter was admitted into the hospital I can’t even count how many times He has proved His faithfulness to us.

Quick History

In late February of 2008, our daughter was admitted to the hospital because she couldn’t stop throwing up.  At first they thought it was a virus that several other kids had.  Then, tests.  Then, more tests.  Finally we learn that her esophagus is completely irritated and she has milk and dairy allergies.  She’s given an NG-tube to get more nutrition into her because she was dangerously under-weight.  We hoped she would begin eating on her own, but when she didn’t, she had surgery for a G-tube to be placed.  Through all of this, God provided.

God’s Provision

Through all of this, God provided.  He provided income when it was desperately needed, support from our church family, trials and tests to renew our marriage relationship, and yes, Has even begun providing our daughter with a renewed appetite.

Growing Strong

Despite being tiny and in pain, she has always been, and is becoming even more of an immense joy.  You can see from the photo of her using a couch as a springboard (yes, she definitely posed in mid-jump for that picture) that her face is radiant and her joy is infectious.  She’s begun to eat more, grow more, and we’re in step two of the process of decreasing the amount of food she gets through her G-tube.

Continued Prayers

If you’ve been praying for us, thank you SO much.  We would love continued prayer as her appetite continues to increase so that she can get the g-tube taken out for good soon.  If you’d like to read the detailed story and stay up-to-date, visit the Caring Bridge site here.

God’s faithfulness endures forever.  Praise His holy name!  How have you seen God’s faithfulness come true in your life?

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Ryan Egan

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Ryan is a follower of Christ, husband, father, worship leader, & creative. He is heavily involved in the Association of Free Lutheran Churches and desires to teach others to live a life of worship in everything they do.