Well, after a week of full-time work and an under-the-weather baby at home – life has become quite interesting! However, even with a busy week at home, I think I have finally figure out a system to keep myself sane and to keep up-to-date on things that I’d like to keep doing. So, from here forward I’m going to try (without any guarantees of success) to make weeks look like this:
- Monday and Tuesday – two-part series on topics ranging from leadership to new music to music theory.
- Wednesday – How to Be an Offering – back to this blog’s original roots.
- Thursday – Review (book or music or technology)
- Friday – Nothing – I’ve decided it’s okay to not post every day of the week (especially since I haven’t posted ANY days of the week for a while)
I’m not going to be able to get to any comments left until either evenings or early mornings of the next day – and those of you who follow on Twitter I’ll be tweeting those same times.
God has blessed me with several things in the last week – one major one being a new outlook on several areas of my life – I’m looking forward to seeing the fruit of it.