Archives For Uncategorized

Well, after a week of full-time work and an under-the-weather baby at home – life has become quite interesting!  However, even with a busy week at home, I think I have finally figure out a system to keep myself sane and to keep up-to-date on things that I’d like to keep doing.  So, from here forward I’m going to try (without any guarantees of success) to make weeks look like this:

  • Monday and Tuesday – two-part series on topics ranging from leadership to new music to music theory.
  • Wednesday – How to Be an Offering – back to this blog’s original roots.
  • Thursday – Review (book or music or technology)
  • Friday – Nothing – I’ve decided it’s okay to not post every day of the week (especially since I haven’t posted ANY days of the week for a while)

I’m not going to be able to get to any comments left until either evenings or early mornings of the next day – and those of you who follow on Twitter I’ll be tweeting those same times.

God has blessed me with several things in the last week – one major one being a new outlook on several areas of my life – I’m looking forward to seeing the fruit of it.


Ryan Egan —  January 28, 2009 — 14 Comments

Well – the search is finally over!  Friday morning I officially start my new career as a Junior Designer/Developer for Alpha Omega Publications.  Thank you to all of you who have been praying and encouraging me over the last couple of months.  I will have a half-hour commute to work every day but that really isn’t bad at all.

On another note – oddly, I believe that now that I have a full-time job my blogging will become much more consistent.  I’m realizing more and more that us artsy people need structure more than we think they do.  I’ve come up with a way to budget my time wisely that I can hopefully stick to and I think it’s going to pay off in a lot of areas in my life.

I’ve budgeted time for the obvious eight hours of work every day, but also for time with God, family, worship ministry, hobbies and fun.  Pray that it lasts and I see significant fruit from it.  I hope all are doing well.

Tomorrow: the review of Covenant Life’s “How Sweet the Sound” as promised.

What Lies Ahead

Ryan Egan —  January 9, 2009 — Leave a comment

Still job searching.  I had an interview Monday that I thought went pretty well.  In the next few weeks, I’ll be blogging more often.  I’ll offer a review of Covenant Life Church’s “How Sweet the Sound” recording, thoughts on online segregation of Christians and get back to posting in the “How to Be an Offering” series, as well as a few more music theory posts.  Until then, enjoy your weekend!

Good almost afternoon!

Well, I think this redesign is one that I’ll stick with for awhile.  If you’re reading through RSS, what you can’t see is that this blog has been revamped.  I found a theme online that I really like, did a little theme-hacking, and now we have a little new life into this blog.

New Sections

When you come to the blog homepage, you’ll be greeted with three major sections:

  • Latest Posts – obviously – the latest posts on the blog.
  • Reviews – I’m hoping to write more reviews, and they will show up in this section.
  • Music Theory – since music theory seems to be my most traversed category I thought it would be appropriate to have a section highlighting the latest music theory post.

There are still a few kinks to work out – but since I’m busy doing other more necessary things at the moment – I can’t quite get to them.  Hopefully within the next few weeks (or months, maybe) they’ll be worked out.

And, speaking of reviews, look for a review of Sojourn’s “Advent Songs” very soon.

Have a fantastic rest of the week!

Hey all – still trying to catch my breath in the midst of the job search.  I have some potentially good news, but I’m still waiting.  That seems to be the story of my life lately.

In the meantime – we had an incredibly fruitful meeting with our worship volunteers last night and I’m really looking forward to seeing where things go from here.

Also – Joel Klampert – a new blog buddy I met a while back has moved to an official website.  He shares insights on all sorts of things, definitely worth checking out!