I was recently taken aback by a post on Twitter that I happen to glance at and wanted to get some discussion going. The tweet basically went like this (I’m paraphrasing from what I remember):
I can’t wait until [so-and-so]’s worship set. Then I’ll really be energized!
Now, don’t get me wrong, I understand that God has consistently used personalities to do His work (Moses and Aaron, Joshua, Sampson, the prophets, Peter, Paul, etc.), but I wonder if there’s a danger in the above statement. Do we, as Christians declare that without a certain “persona” we:
- Aren’t able to be energized?
- Aren’t able to be taught?
- Aren’t able to worship?
- Aren’t able to really feel fed?
- Aren’t able to….whatever?
Did God use some personalities doing some crazy things to get His people’s attention? Yes (Specifically thinking of Ezekiel laying on his side and other prophets doing odd things). But the danger remains in the fact that if we don’t get the worship leader or pastor that “we want” we might tune out, assume that we can’t learn, and potentially harden our hearts to the working of the Holy Spirit.
I have my own “favorite” teachers, pastors, and worship leaders, but I try to be as open as I can to letting God work through anyone (as long as they’re proclaiming Biblical truth of course).
So what do you think? Is it dangerous to have a favorite teacher, pastor or worship leader? Is it bad that certain “personalities” can stir us up more easily than others?