I Have Worshiped…

Ryan Egan —  March 1, 2011 — 4 Comments

I’m stepping out in confession today to confess that I have worshiped other things in place of my God.  I have worshiped…

  • The thrill from a tightly-arranged song
  • The emotional surge during a corporate worship setting
  • Musicians and worship leaders who are better than I am
  • My own musical skill
  • My reputation among my own congregation
  • My reputation among fellow worship leaders and church leaders
  • The teaching, planning, and preparation that goes into worship ministry
  • Music
  • Technology and shiny new gadgets

When I really stop and ask the question of what do we worship, I realize that there have been many times where I have placed someone or something as more important than God.  I give it more worth at the time, effectively making it the object of my worship instead of my amazing God.

I have worshiped worship itself, and I need to worship Jesus.

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Ryan Egan

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Ryan is a follower of Christ, husband, father, worship leader, & creative. He is heavily involved in the Association of Free Lutheran Churches and desires to teach others to live a life of worship in everything they do.