I was going to blog on the difference between playing piano and playing keyboard, but frustration with designing this blog has led me to a different post.
I’m decently average at quite a few things, including internet languages. I can find my way around html code, can sort of decipher php code well enough to understand it a little bit, I can sort of do css code. I can run most computer applications fairly well, but….
I’m only great and well-skilled at a few things. I am not skilled enough to tweak and design this blog on my own, as I found it after breaking a few things and having to reinstall a few things today, so I really need to ask for help from someone who’s really skilled at php and css.
So often we as leaders think that we can do everything ourselves. We live in a society with D.I.Y. TV shows and magazines. But we need to realize that we need to ask for help. Asking for help shows that we posess a few things that leaders should have:
- Humility. We aren’t afraid to admit that we don’t know how to do something and can’t do it.
- Trust. We need to be able to empower others and let them know that we trust them with something important to us.
- Encouragement. We need to able to encourage others and help them use their skills whever they can.
It is especially important for those of use who are young that we ask for help and never assume that we are smarter than those who are in authority over us. It’s Biblical to submit to authority and as Peter writes
“Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” 1 Peter 5:5
I think it’s vitally important that we get help for things that we can’t do on our own. So, when this blog is finally looking the way it’s supposed to, don’t credit me!
At what kinds of things do you just have to say “I need help! I can’t do it myself.”?