I’m tired lately. I’m tired of waiting. I’m tired of God telling me to “be patient.” I’m tired of dreaming big dreams but not having the time or means to execute them. And I’m just plain tired physically and mentally.
And I’m wondering if it’s okay. I’m sacrificing sleep in order to both keep my house in order and do a second “job” that doesn’t pay me anything but provide the fuel for what I’m passionate about. I’m sacrificing my dreams and passions in order to provide for my family so that I don’t sacrifice our security.
It’s hard to balance life when certain sacrifices lead you to security but decreased involvement in what you’re truly passionate about and when other sacrifices lead you to a lack of sleep and rest but increased involvement in your dreams and passions.
Is this a life of worship? I don’t know. I just know that I’m doing my best to honor God in my 8-hour workday, taking care of my wife and daughter, AND in attempting to work as a passionate volunteer for the church. I’m trying to follow the command to “whatever you do, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ” from Colossians 3. But I’m tired. And it’s hard lately. Maybe I’m missing something.
Question: How do you balance a full-time job, family life, and what you’re REALLY passionate about? Click here to leave a comment.
This post is part of the How to be an Offering series written every Wednesday. To participate, write a post about how you or someone you know is being a living sacrifice. Link back to this post within your post and leave a comment letting everyone know. Also, if you’re on Twitter, use the hashtag #livingsacrifice.